Tuscan Home Decor Ideas Using Antique Copper Pots
The making of copper pots is a traditional craft in Italy. Copper pots are very beautiful and even more so as they age. Antique copper develops such a wonderful patina over time that gives it a vibrant blue/green color. Each piece is like its own one-of-a-kind piece of artwork. If you favor authentic Italian or Tuscan decor, you must include a bit of Italian copper into your home.

I enjoy unique Italian home decor accessories that have a story. By that I mean I like to know and am curious as to how something was used in the past. I suspect you do too since you are reading this post.

Here is a good example. This Italian Antique Copper pot from our website, was once used for water. The water from public water fountains in Italy is fresh spring water and women would collect water with this kind of pot and carry it on their heads. You can visit our Pinterest page and see how women with antique pots collected the water. Another photo is a woman carrying the copper pot on her head, and here is a group with interesting copper vessels balanced on top of their heads as well.
How could you use this copper pot decoratively today in your home? Here I have filled the pot with 3 kinds of orange citrus fruits for a unique and beautiful centerpiece. I used regular navel oranges, blood oranges and the small kind with the leaves. I can’t remember the name of the small ones but the leaves really add to the overall look and give an authentic feel!

So I wouldn’t have to fill the entire pot with fruit I first placed burlap bags inside, then the oranges on top. The vibrant color of the oranges really looks nice with the beautiful patina of the antique pot. Guests love this Tuscan decor and I get many compliments when people come to visit.
You could easily add other variations of fruit to the antique copper pot for a look perfect for any season. Gourds, apples, pomegranates, peaches, pears, etc. would all look stunning against the patina of the copper pot.
Here is another good example of how antique copper pots can be used in your home. This copper pot from our website was once used for cooking over an open fire. It is very rustic from it’s use in the past as it was put directly on the fire and used for cooking. There are pictures on Pinterest of some Italian Nonnas cooking in a large rustic copper pot to demonstrate how a pot like this was used. I also love this one of some men making cheese. Again, they are using wonderful rustic copper pots.
Today, you could use a large antique copper pot like this next to the fireplace filled with wood. It is nice to reflect on how it was used in a previous life.
Thinking about adding this to your space? Share with us on social @mercatoantiques - we love to see your creations!