Tuscan Decor Ideas for Philosophical Thinking

Galileo Quote Tuscan Furnishings
Quote by Galileo Galilei
Galileo was an Italian astronomer, pilosopher and mathematician who played a significant role in the scientific revolution during the Renaissance. 
Antique Italian Galileo Painting
Galileo facing the Roman Inquisition 
That is Galileo in the antique painting on the above image. In the scene Galileo is facing the Roman Inquisition in his trial of 1633. Galileo had the courage to stand up for his beliefs, which were a bit controversial at the time. We all know he was correct though in his thinking which was based on his observations and research!
Antique Italian Desk with Galileo Painting
19th Century Italian Antique Desk
For philosophical and deep thinking, perhaps a beautiful antique desk is in order. If Galileo sat at a desk, it would have been Italian.
Rustic Italian Tuscan Stool and Painting
Rustic Italian Stool
Or perhaps you prefer to sit and ponder? This rustic Tuscan stool would be a good choice. Galileo would have definitely used a Tuscan stool. 
Mary Lies
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