How to Use Architectural Salvage: A Customer Example
Sometimes MERCATO customers buy and repurpose architectural salvage, giving a new life to something from the past and changing its function altogether.

I had this wonderful Italian antique window grill in the shop not long ago. During trips to Italy I’ve actually seen these repurposed as pot racks, hung on a wall vertically with hooks. It’s a nice look. We had a builder from California visit the shop and buy quite a few of these to incorporate into a staircase banister awhile back. They were all slightly different and varied in color, I thought that was a great use too.

Here, our customer decided to just call a spade a spade and use it as it was originally designed to be used, a window grate!
Here is an example of an Italian window grate. This was our view from the kitchen where we stayed in Italy on a recent trip.
When I look at my customer’s window with the Italian grate installed, it reminds me of views and the wonderful feeling that looking through the window in the above photo evokes.
My customer has spent time in Italy too and I hope when he peers through his Italian window grate that he is reminiscent of good times and wonderful views of the Italian countryside as well.